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The 6th International Summer School

  • 작성자국제교류본부
  • 등록일2011-02-16
  • 조회수626
  • 파일

Greetings from International Affairs, Chungnam National University!

As an initiative to further globalization efforts, CNU hosts ISS every year to provide international students with an opportunity to work together for new experience, knowledge, and insights.


This year¡?s program is as follows:
 1. Date:  
July 27 - Aug. 18, 2011
 2. Venue :  Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea
 3. Program :  
International Summer Program (ISP) & English Camp Internship Program (ECIP)

 4. Application  Eligibility :

- Student of CNU¡?s partner university (Both ISP & ECIP)

- Family members of CNU alumni residing abroad (ISP)

- Full or part-time undergraduate/graduate student with good academic and disciplinary standing (ISP)

 5. Admission :

   - How to Apply : Follow the direction described in the "How to Apply" section

- Deadline : April 29th

No individual application accepted for ISP&ECIP applicants from partner universities.

Please refer to the attached program file for further information.

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