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Complaint about CNU security center malfeasance

  • 작성자L********
  • 작성일2023-01-31 10:59:06
  • 조회수425
  • 첨부파일

 I am an international student at the Agricultural College.


  First, I have a complaint about the center's access control system.

  My student card cannot normally enter my laboratory building. And even with the communication from the teaching assistant in the department office, I still couldn't enter my building normally.

  I don't understand why I, a student of agricultural, don't have permission to enter the agricultural building. Why my friends who are Chinese students can't enter their own college either. Why can Korean students enter normally, and students from other countries can also enter normally, why only Chinese students have no permission to enter their own buildings? Do I have reason to suspect that your center is involved in racism?


  Then complain to the person responsible for answering the 5112 call at 23:23 on the evening of January 30, 2023.

My student card not working has already caused me a lot of trouble.I called them and asked them to open the door for me.The person in charge actually said that I made a wrong call.I know I did not call the wrong number, and I think she knows it too.


  Because your dereliction of duty has caused a lot of trouble to others, do you know that? Don't you think it's shameful? You may be just ordinary employees, but in front of foreigners, you represent 대한민국. I don't want to intensify the conflict, but  protect the dignity of your nation please.

  Here I ask the director of the security center to check why your system keeps breaking down and fix it.Secondly, I need to know why the operator at 5112 said I made a wrong call at 23:23 on January 30, 2023.I don't need an apology, I just want to know why.

  If you can't solve the problem, I will make a complaint to 국민권익위원회 on the grounds of malfeasance next Monday.