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Academic Warning

In accordance with university policy, students failing to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA 1.75 for all work attempted at CNU will be limited to take classes. Students who has under 1.0 GPA (D+) will be disadvantaged in visa extension by immigration law.

Grading System

Grading is decided on the basis of the relative evaluation, judging from test scores, assignments, and attendance. The grading system of CNU is as follows.

Grading System information table
Scale Out of 100 Average Average for semesters
A+ 95 - 100 4.5 Upper 4.25
A0 90 - 94 4.0 3.75 ~ 4.25
B+ 85 - 89 3.5 3.25 ~ 3.75
B0 80 - 84 3.0 2.75 ~ 3.25
C+ 75 - 79 2.5 2.25 ~ 2.75
C0 70 - 74 2.0 1.75 ~ 2.25
D+ 65 - 69 1.5 1.25 ~ 1.75
D0 60 - 64 1.0 0.75 ~ 1.25
F Under 60 Under 0.75