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Scientist tells women to dig in<2019.03.03.Korea Joongang Daily>

  • 작성자주우영
  • 등록일2019-03-19
  • 조회수557
  • 파일

It’s not what you think about when it comes to gender equality - it’s what you don’t think about, according to Chung Hee-sun, former head of South Korea’s National Forensic Service (NFS) and the first woman to head the organization. “For instance, when pharmaceutical companies develop a new medicine, they develop it while taking into account its effects on a male patient, not a female patient,” said Chung. “In other words, they are developing a medicine based on the considerations of its effect on a regular male’s height, weight and other characteristics. They’re not thinking about women. We’re trying to change that way of thinking in the field of science.” ......[기사원본보기] 

페이지 관리자 | 대외협력실(5015)
