감염-염증 제어 컨버전스 연구소 국제 심포지엄 개최 안내
- 작성자산학협력단
- 등록일2024-10-25 14:01:37
- 조회수288
- 파일
1. 심포지움명: Towards One Health: Innovations in Infection&Inflammation
2. 일시: 2024. 11. 5.(화) 10:00~17:30 ※ 등록은 09:40부터
3. 장소: 충남대학교 산학연교육연구관(건물번호 W1) DSC홀 3층 315호
4. 발표연사
- Taeok Bae (Indiana University School Of Medicine-Northwest (IUSM-NW), United States)
- Hye Jin Shin (Chungnam National University School of Medicine)
- Seon Ah Lim (Ewha Womans University)
- Choi Inpyo (Ingenium Therapeutics)
- Mi-Young Son (Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology)
- Moo-Seung Lee (Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology)
- Hyeseong Cho (Ajou University School of Medicine)
- Jin-Gu Lee (University of Maryland School of Medicine, United States)
- Young Ki Choi (Korea Virus Research Institute, Institute for Basic Science)
- Jae Ung Jung (Cleveland Clinic, United States)
- Yong Taik Lim (Sungkyunkwan University)
- Kiyoshi Takeda (Osaka University, Japan)