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Graduate Programs Admissions Guide for International Students(Fall Semester, 2011)

  • Writer입학관리본부
  • Date2011-04-18
  • Hit781
  • File

A. Eligibility Requirements

 Language Requirements
  1) Level 4 or higher on the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK) or 
  2) Minimum score of 550 (paper-based), 210 (computer-based), 80 (internet-based) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) 
   Minimum score of 550 or higher on the test of Test of English Proficiency developed by Seoul National University (TEPS) 
   Minimum score of 650 or higher on the Test of English for International Communication(TOEIC)
   Minimum score of 5.5 or higher on the International English Language Testing System(IELTS), or
  3) Confirmation letter for Research Capability(Form 4)

 ※ If applicants submit Confirmation letter for Research Capability from a CNU advisor, they must submit Level 4 or higher on the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK), or Minimum score of 550 (paper-based), 210 (computer-based), 80 (internet-based) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or Minimum score of 550 or higher on the test of Test of English Proficiency developed by Seoul National University (TEPS) or Minimum score of 650 or higher on the Test of English for International Communication(TOEIC) or Minimum score of 5.5 or higher on the International English Language Testing System(IELTS) before thesis evaluation.

 ※ In the case of lecture-oriented majors, most lectures are given in Korean. For more information, you should contact the relevant department.


 Basic Requirements
1) Foreign students whose parents are both foreigners, or
2) Overseas Korean residents and foreign students who have completed their entire elementary, junior, high school and undergraduate education outside of Korea. 
1. Master's Degree Program 
A student holding a bachelor's degree or an equivalent degree from an accredited  four-year university 
2. Doctoral Degree Program 
 A student holding a master's degree or an equivalent degree from an accredited graduate   school.

B. Evaluation of Applicant’s Academic Proficiency

Based on the documents that applicants submit, the professors of the relevant departments perform an overall screening during an interview. Candidates’ whose interview scores are over 80 points out of 100 will be considered for admission. If needed, the relevant departments will conduct a written test.

C. Required Documents  
1. Application Form 
   (After completing the online application, print it out and submit it along with the required documents the Office of Admissions, CNU)
2. Study Plan (CNU Form 1)
3. Transcripts and Graduation Certificates:
  - Master's degree : an official transcript and graduation certificate from undergraduate school.
  - Doctoral degree : an official transcript and graduation certificate from graduate school.
4. Personal Statement (CNU Form 2)
5. Recommendation for Admission from your university professor (CNU Form 3)
6. Test of Proficiency in Korean(TOPIK) Score (Level 4 or higher) or 
7. Confirmation letter for Research Capability (CNU Form 4)
8. Copy of passport
9. Affidavit of Financial Support (CNU Form 5) 
10. Sponsor's certificate of balance deposit of more than 10,000 USD(10,000,000 KRW/ 80,000元)
   (for over 30 days deposit period prior to the application date)
11. Sponsor’s Certificate of Employment or Certificate of Business Registration
12. "Signed Consent Form" for Academic Verification(CNU Form 6)
13. Citizenship ID card: the applicant and parents (居民?)
   ※ The following is only for applicants with Chinese citizenship: 
   1) Government-issued Family Census Register (戶口本)
   2) Notarized Certificate of Family Relationship (親屬關系公證書)
14. For Fine Arts, Music, and Physical Education Applicants: 
                                       photographs of works/recordings of performances
15. Application Fee (Non-refundable) : 50,000 KRW (equivalent to 50 USD) 
16. Additional material, if any, required by the relevant department