Graduate School
Law School
The Law School was established upon the educational ideology of “community service, increasing capacity for legal service and strategic development of the nation”. The Law School aims to nurture internationally competitive legal professionals who demonstrate expertise in intellectual property rights law. homepage view☞
School of Medicine
The objective of the School of Medicine is to generate medical professionals with the latest knowledge in the field of modern medicine and life sciences, and to obtain human-centered medical skills. Moreover, the school aims to foster medical experts and professionals who will contribute to the advancement of medicine and humanity. homepage view☞
Graduate School of Analytical Science and Technology
The Graduate School of Analytical Science and Technology (GRAST) aims to cultivate the most capable professionals with solid basic knowledges by training students with the worlds topmost R&D equipments. The GRAST has fused diverse fields of science and technology such as biology, physics, chemistry, materials, chemical engineering, electrical engineering and etc. homepage view☞
Graduate School of Energy Science and Technology
Graduate School of Energy Science and Technology(GEST) was established to foster creative professionals and to develop innovative technologies in secondary batteries, solar cells, fuel cells, hydrogen and green fuels, CCUS, energy machine learning, etc. Over the past decade, GEST has grown into a research-oriented graduate school representing Chungnam National University. We are trying to become a world-class graduate school with a QS rank of 100 in the energy sector to meet national energy policies such as the 2050 Carbon Neutrality, the Hydrogen Economy, and the Great Energy Transition. homepage view☞
Graduate School of Drug Development and Discovery
The Graduates School of Drug Development and Discovery was established to become a professional institution to be considered as a world class level in a new drug development by improving the level of Korea's pharmaceutical industry and professionals in the core technology of such as life science, chemistry, and pharmacy, and to participate in a variety of new drug development fields focusing on fusing. homepage view☞