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Students information table
Academic Enrolled Actual
Colleges Humanities 2,321 1,790
Social Sciences 1,681 1,305
Natural Sciences 2,618 2,039
Economics & Management 2,515 1,864
Engineering 6,033 4,414
Agriculture & Life Science 2,043 1,586
Pharmacy 315 295
Medicine 698 682
Human Ecology 600 495
Arts & Music 658 521
Veterinary Medicine 341 309
Education 1,020 833
Nursing 413 364
Bioscience & Biotechnology 524 415
Liberal Arts 298 223
Integrated National Security 200 196
International Studies 114 101
Sub-total 22,392 17,432
Graduate Schools Graduate School - Master 2,173 1,976
Graduate School - Ph.D. 1,084 915
Graduate School - Integrated 221 216
Graduate School of Business Administration 213 185
Graduate School of Education 641 570
Graduate School of Public Administration 183 143
Graduate School of Public Health 83 75
Graduate School of Industry 241 216
Graduate School of Intelligent Property Law 76 68
Graduate School of Peace & Security 125 99
Graduate School of National Public Policy 92 80
Graduate School of Smart Agriculture 35 29
Law School 332 316
Analytical 55 52
Energy 67 63
Drug 40 40
Sub-total 5,661 5,043
Grand-total 28,053 22,475

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