본문 바로가기 사이드메뉴 바로가기 주요메뉴 바로가기
  • President

    Faculty Meeting

    • University Ethics
    • Office of President
    • Office of Strategy Planning
    • Office of Government Funded Project Management
    • Vice-President of Academic and Student AffairsPublic Education Personnel Committee
      • Office of Academic Affairs

        Division of Academic Affairs Division of the Registrar Center For Information Analysis CNU-ICE: CNU Innovation Center for Education

      • Office of Student Affairs

        Division of Student Affairs

      • Office of Admissions

        Division of Admissions Division of Admission Officers

      • Office of International Affairs

        Division of International Affairs

      1. Safety Management Headquarters
      2. Institute Of Human Resources Development
      3. Institute Of Liveral Education
    • Vice-President of External AffairsExternal Affairs Committee
      • Office of Planning

        Division of Planning & Evaluation Office of External Cooperation Institution Research Center

      • Office of Research Affairs

        Division of Research Support Team of Research and Business Team of Research Planning Center for Industry University Cooperation

      • Office of Information Systems and Services

        Division of Information Systems Division of Information Services

      • Office Of Regional Cooperation

        Team of Regional Cooperation

      1. LINC(Leaders in INdustry-university Cooperation) Agency
      2. Foundation Start-Up Support
      3. Technology for Convergence and Innovation
    • Office of General Affairs Division of General Affairs,
      Division of Accounting,
      Division of Facilities
    • President of Graduate SchoolCommittee of President of Graduate School
      • Graduate Schools, Professional/Specialized Graduate Schools

        Graduate School Law School School of Medicine Graduate School of Analytical Science and Technology Graduate School of Energy Science and Technology Graduate School of Drug Development and Discovery Graduate School of Business Administration Graduate School of Education Graduate School of Public Administration Graduate School of Public Health Graduate School of Industry Graduate School of Intellectual Property Law Graduate School of Peace and Security Studies Graduate School of National Public Policy Graduate School of Smart Agriculture

      • Colleges and Faculty of Liberal Arts

        College of Humanities College of Social Sciences College of Natural Sciences College of Economics & Management College of Engineering College of Agriculture & Life Sciences College of Pharmacy College of Medicine College of Human Ecology College of Fine Arts & Music College of Veterinary Medicine College of Education College of Nursing College of Biological Sciences & Biotechnology Faculty of Liberal Arts School of Integrated National Security

Basic Facilities


[Library]Academic Information Support Division|Academic Information Management Division[Student Center]Division of Circulation Service

Supporting Facilities

Dormitory|Center for Research Instrument and Experimental Facilities|CNU Press|Health Service Center|Physical Promotion Program Management Committee|Jeongsimhwa International Cultural Center

Auxiliary Facilities


Museum|Natural History Museum|Lifelong Education Center|Science Education Center for Gifted Children|Foundation of University-Industry Research Collaboration|Support Center for Students with Disabilities|Confucius Academy|Center for Animal Experimentation||Education Center for Creative Future Engineers|The Reserved Army Regiment·ROTC|Human Rights Center|Center for Cooperative Education|Sports Education Center for Gifted Children Institute Of International Language Education|Counselling Center|Law Center

Colleges·Graduate School

[College of Humanities] Translation & Interpretation Center|Center for Korean As a Second Language|Speech Pathology Clinic & Research Center [College of Natural Sciences] Training Center for Socio-Physical Instructor [College of Engineering] Center for Engineering Education & Practice [College of Agriculture & Life Sciences] University Farm|University Arboretum|Institute of Animal Resources [College of Pharmacy] Medicinal Herb Laboratory [College of Human Ecology] Center for Women Resources Development [College of Veterinary Medicine] Veterinary Hospital [College of Education] Division of Teacher Training|Instructor Training Center|Temporary Training Institute for Secondary School Teachers |Education Training Institute

Corporation / Others


[Corporation] CNU Development Endowment|JeongShimHwa Scholarship Committee|DongWon Scholarship Committee|The Educational Research Fund for Industry, University, and Research Institute|The University Hospital|University Credit Union|Foundation of University-Industry Research Collaboration|University Press [Miscellaneous Organizations] The Reserved Army Regiment

Research Institutes

Research Institutes

Software Research Center| Management & Economic Research Institute (MERI)| Industrial Education Research Center| Institute of Agricultural Science| Infrastructure Technology Institute | Research Institute of Arts & Culture| Institute of Drug Research & Development| Information & Communications Research| Science & Technology Knowledge Research Institute Institute of National Defense Studies Institute of National Public Policy

페이지 관리자 | IR센터(6196)
