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Natural Sciences

Natural Sciences
A birthplace of talented individuals in basic science fields

The College of Natural Sciences plays a vital role to produce future pillars of a high-technology society through learning and advancement in the fields of fundamental sciences. The College of Natural Sciences is maintaining a variety of cooperative relationships with many research institutes both around the world and in the region, such as numerous top-notch national research institutes in the Deaduck R&D complex. Furthermore, the department of sports and leisure studies and the department of dance have produced many renowned athletes and professional dancers.

Tel+82-42-821-5413 Homepagehttps://cns.cnu.ac.kr/cns/index.do

Mathematics deals with numbers, measurements and spaces, and studies all mathematical models arising from natural and social phenomena. It provides the foundation of the sciences and the language for stating them easily. These days, mathematics is very important in the development of natural sciences as well as social and human sciences.The curriculum in mathematics is designed to give students a good mathematical attitude towards the world. Graduates contribute to the developments of our country as leading mathematicians, schoolteachers and competent persons in the field of applied mathematics. Major courses can be divided into theoretical mathematics and applied mathematics. Theoretical mathematics includes logic, set theory, analysis, algebra, topology, geometry and probability. Applied mathematics includes statistics, numeral analysis, computer science and game theory.

Career Opportunities

Graduates have found jobs in middle or high schools, institutes, banks and government-operated enterprises (for those who have studied applied mathematics.). Some have jobs in universities or research institutes after taking Masters Degrees or PhDs either at home or overseas.

Information & Statistics

The rapid development of science has provided a prominent role for statistics throughout society. The statistical method is applicable in all cases where real data are obtainable even though there are uncertainties, regardless of whether the field of interest is in the natural sciences, social sciences, agriculture, engineering, or medical sciences. Statistics can be divided into two major parts, theoretical and applied statistics. The statistical method is studied in theoretical statistics and the ability to analyze real data is pursued in applied statistics. Through the undergraduate courses, the students learn basic theories and how to use statistical packages to apply these theories to real data. Statistics students often minor in other sciences, extending the scope of their statistical work.

Career Opportunities

Those majoring in statistics can extend their lives to various fields of society. Those who want to deepen their understanding and applied ability in statistics will be better off to join the graduate program. The secondary achievement as a statistics major is that statistical thinking skills are well developed and used to solve real-life problems.

[Honggie Kim]
  • Title : Professor
  • Phone : +82-42-821-5433
  • E-mail : honggiekim@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : Natural Science Building2 427
[Jong-Ho Bae]
  • Title : Professor
  • Major : Queueing theory
  • Phone : +82-42-821-5432
  • E-mail : gemprit@gmail.com
  • Room : Natural Science Building2 333
[Min-Koo Lee]
  • Title : Professor
  • Major : Quality Management
  • Phone : +82-42-821-5409
  • E-mail : sixsigma@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : Natural Science Building2 331
[Sangin Lee]
  • Title : Associate Professor
  • Phone : +82-42-821-5436
  • E-mail : sanginlee44@gmail.com
  • Room : Natural Science Building2 428
[Eunjee Lee]
  • Title : Associate Professor
  • Major : Bayesian methods
  • Phone : +82-42-821-5435
  • E-mail : eunjee2@gmail.com
  • Room : Natural Science Building2 430
[Minsu Park]
  • Title : Associate Professor
  • Major : Multiscale methods
  • Phone : +82-42-821-5439
  • E-mail : minsu.park51@gmail.com
  • Room : Natural Science Building2 334

The main goal of studying physics is to understand fundamental laws of nature ranging from the microscopic objects such as atomic nuclei and elementary particles to the whole universe. Therefore, physics forms the foundation of other branches of science and technology. In the department of physics, research projects in various fields are carried out by two approaches, theories and experiments. Theoretical physics includes a few areas; elementary particle physics unravels the fundamental building blocks of matter and the origins of the universe. Nuclear physics studies the structure and properties of nuclei. Nonlinear dynamics investigates chaos and order of nature. Statistical physics studies the collective behavior of gas and liquid. Experimental physics includes atomic, nuclear, and solid state physics; atomic and nuclear physics investigate the properties of matter and their interactions between atoms and molecules. Solid state physics studies the structures and characteristics of semiconductors, magnetic materials, and metals. Optics and laser physics study the properties and utilization of light and related devices. Undergraduate students learn the basic principles of physics and are introduced to the current topics in broad fields. Graduate students are focused on their researches on specialized subjects depending on their advisors and thesis topics.

Career Opportunities

Graduates have job opportunities mainly in industries of electronics, computers or semiconductors, government of industry laboratories, and various educational institutions.

[Gyoung Moo Shim]
  • Title : Professor
  • Major : Statistical Physics
  • Phone : +82 42-821-5458
  • E-mail : gmshim@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : W11-2, 430
Astronomy & Space Science

Astronomy is an ancient science born from curiosity about the starry skies, yet is also one of the youngest sciences with new observational technologies and theoretical developments. It covers all subjects about the universe from cosmology to nearby planets. Space science is currently developing technical innovations such as artificial satellites. It studies objects and phenomena in nearby space including the high-altitude atmosphere and the solar system. The department was established in 1988. Now it has six full time faculty members who have majored in various fields of astronomy and space science, as well as five part-time adjunct professors who are research scientists in nearby research institutes. The departments observing facilities include a 16-inch reflecting telescope, an 8-inch refracting telescope, and several smaller telescopes. About 160 students now study in the undergraduate program. The program offers various courses on the subjects of astronomy and space science, such as general astronomy, general space science, astrometry, astrophysics, observational astronomy, and physics related subjects. The department initiated graduate programs for a Masters Degree in 1995 and for a Doctoral Degree in 1998. Currently, about 20 students are enrolled. The graduate programs offer high level courses on optical astronomy, radio astronomy, X-ray astronomy, stellar astronomy, stellar dynamics, interstellar medium, galactic astronomy, cosmology, high-energy astrophysics, planetary atmospheres, topics in science, space plasma, orbital dynamics, satellite mission analysis and so on.

Career Opportunities

The program emphasizes research-oriented activities, and many students are actively involved with research projects conducted by scientists in several research institutes in the Daedeok Research Complex near our campus. Graduate students are partially supported as teaching or research assistants.Division of Chemistry & Biochemistry.


The Department of Chemistry was established in 1952. Currently, the department has 18 faculty members, 300 undergraduate students, 33 graduate students in M.S. degree programs and 37 graduate students in Ph.D. programs. The undergraduate program is designed to provide strong background in physical, organic, inorganic, and analytical chemistry, which is adequate for their scientific careers in academic and industrial fields. The graduate programs for Masters and Ph.D. degrees are divided into the fields of physical, organic, inorganic, and analytical chemistry and the focus is on thesis research under the intensive guidance of their academic advisors. Most of the graduate students are financially supported by research grants or scholarships. The department is well equipped with modern instrumentation such as NMR, IR, UV-VIS, GC/MASS, HPLC, AA, laser systems, GC, stopped-flow spectrophotometer, spectrofluorometer and X-ray diffractometer. The department has outstanding faculty members and they are actively involved in various research projects funded by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation, the Korea Research Foundation, the Ministry of Education, and neighboring research organizations. As a result of such research activities and good educational programs, the department was ranked 7th in 1996 among about 100 chemistry departments in the nation in a survey conducted by Joongang Daily Newspaper.

Career Opportunities

Most of the undergraduate and graduate students have been employed right after graduation. They usually take up positions in chemistry-related research institutes and companies, and some of them find their professional careers in the field of education as teachers in the secondary schools and professors in various universities.

[Guncheol Kim]
  • Title : Professor
  • Major : Organic Chemistry
  • Phone : +82 42-821-5475
  • E-mail : guncheol@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : W11-2: 406
[Younbong Park]
  • Title : Professor
  • Major : Inorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Solid State Chemistry
  • Phone : +82 42-821-5480
  • E-mail : parky@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : Basci Science Bld 2 (W11-2)-309
[Jaebeom Lee]
  • Title : Professor
  • Major : Analytical Chemistry
  • Phone : +82 42-821-6553
  • E-mail : nanoleelab@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : W11-2: 203

The future of the nation is directly related to the development in new sciences and technologies, and a considerable amount of the new work of the intellectual and information industries of the 21st century has been evaluated to have huge potential for public health and biotechnology. This trend and requirement has given rise to various educational and research institutes, and our biochemistry department was also established in 1987 to fulfill such a nationwide demand. Biochemistry bridges the gap between chemistry (a study of the structures and interactions of atoms and molecules) and biology (a study of the structures and interactions of cells and organism). Biochemistry's contributions to life science progress cannot be overemphasized as a significant branch of life science. The finding of the DNA double helix as a genetic information entity, the restriction enzyme, the structural determinations of various biological molecules, and recombinant DNA technology would not be possible without the development of biochemistry. Biochemistry also performs a major role in applied sciences. Gene therapy, genetic engineering, recombinant DNA technology, the development of therapeutic and diagnostic methods for cancer, vaccines, and the development for various pathogens are a few examples. Our department provides various courses, intensively covering the whole area of biochemistry, including bioorganic chemistry, biophysical chemistry, enzymes, proteins, nucleic acid biochemistry, structural biochemistry, microbial genetics, molecular biology, immunology and microbiology.

Career Opportunities

Our department emphasizes education for professional researchers, so that the main stream of graduates continues to study in graduate school for a masters degree or a Ph.D. Graduates are also working in various national research centers, industrial research labs, industries, hospitals, and universities.

[Kim, Young Sang]
  • Title : Professor
  • Major : Immunology
  • Phone : +82-42-821-5487 / 010-7268-5487
  • E-mail :young@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : Bldg.W11-1, Rm.106
[Lee, Chan Yong]
  • Title : Professor, Ph.D.
  • Major : Protein Biochemistry, Enzymology
  • Phone : +82 42-821-5482/ 010-8210-5482
  • E-mail : cylee@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : Bldg.W11-1, Rm.206
[Joon Sig Choi]
  • Title : Professor
  • Major : Biochemistry, NanoBio
  • Phone : +82 42-821-7528
  • E-mail : joonsig@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : Bldg.W11-1, Rm.203
  • Title : Assistant Professor, Ph.D.
  • Major : Functional Genomics
  • Phone : (Office) +82 42-821-5485 / (Mobile) +82-10-2899-6727
  • E-mail : kimkk@cnu.ac.kr
  • Address : Bldg.W11-1, Rm.212
[Noh, Ji Heon]
  • Title : Assistant Professor
  • Major : RNA Biology
  • Phone : +82-42-821-5486
  • E-mail : journi@cnu.ac.kr
[Min, Sunwoo]
  • Title : Assistant Professor
  • Major : Cancer biology
  • Phone : +82-42-821-5484
  • E-mail : smin1221@cnu.ac.kr
  • Address : Bldg.W11-1, Rm. 105
Geological Sciences

In the Department of Geological Sciences, faculty and students study the earth and other planets in order to understand their origin, composition, and development. The department provides a wide range of active, extramurally-funded, research programs at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Our BS, MS, and PhD degrees cover various topics in structural geology, rock mechanics, geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology, paleomagnetics, remote sensing, ore deposit studies, sedimentology, paleontology, geophysics, and Hydrogeology.

Career Opportunities

Students have opportunities to obtain various licenses including Applied Geology Engineer certificate, Soil Environment Engineer certificate, Water Pollution Environmental Engineer certificate, and Secondary Teaching certificate. Jobs available for prospective geology graduates are researchers in various institutes (e.g., Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea Basic Science Institute, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology, Korea Polar Research Institute, and universities), and geologists in various forms of small and large companies (e.g., KNOC, KOGAS, KRCC, MIRECO, KORES, civil engineering companies, geological investigation companies, groundwater development companies, and many others). Students are also encouraged to acquire certificates to become applied geology technicians and middle/high school teachers, or to work as British jewel appraisers. Graduates can seek various positions such as geologists in research institutes, schools, petroleum, mining and mineral exploration companies, and applied geology and civil engineering companies.

[Chandong Chang]
  • Title : Professor
  • Major : Engineering Geology
  • Phone : +82-42-821-6430
  • E-mail : cchang@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : W11-1: 334
[Sung Hi Choi]
  • Title : Professor
  • Major : Geochemistry
  • Phone : +82 42-821-6428
  • E-mail : chois@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : W11-1: 237
[Yongjae Yu]
  • Title : Professor
  • Major : Paleomagnetics, Planetary Geology, Petrology, Volcanology
  • Phone : +82 42-821-6424
  • E-mail : yongjaeyu@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : W11-1: 1232
[Jaehyung Yu]
  • Title : Professor
  • Major : Remote Sensing, Ore Deposits
  • Phone : +82-42-821-6426
  • E-mail : jaeyu@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : W11-1: 227
[Seung-Sep Kim]
  • Title : Professor
  • Major : Geophysics
  • Phone : +82-42-821-6423
  • E-mail : seungsep@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : W11-1: 338
[Jeong-Hyun Lee]
  • Title : Associate Professor
  • Major : Sedimentary Geology, Paleontology
  • Phone : +82 42-821-6425
  • E-mail : jeonghyunlee@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : W11-1: 339
[Heewon Jung]
  • Title : Assistant Professor
  • Major : Hydrogeology
  • Phone : +82-42-821-649
  • E-mail : hjung@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : W11-1: 344
Marine Environmental Sciences

With increasing an interest in marine resources, advanced states have invested vast amounts of money and effort into the investigation and development of the ocean. Korea has made efforts to explore and develop the ocean at home and abroad. Korea has been exploiting coastal seas, making resource developments in the Pacific, and constructing a research base on the Antarctic. Because of the insufficiency of experts in oceanography, there is an urgent need for graduates in this field. Oceanography is the scientific study of the natural phenomena of the ocean, and it is the synthetic science needed for the understanding all the natural sciences. It consists of four sub-fields:i) physical oceanography is the study of the movements and variations of water mass; ii) chemical oceanography focuses on chemical composition, reactions between seawater and air, and chemical processes between seawater and the sea-bottom; iii) biological oceanography studies living marine things and their ecology; iv) geological oceanography researches the characteristics of sediments in the ocean and the history of marine deposits.

Career Opportunities

Students can go on to become graduate students or enter research institutes such as the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives, the National Fisheries Research and Development Agency and the Korea Electric Power Corporation. Those who have obtained certificates of qualification in our major participate in public institutions and companies related to the ocean and the environment.

[Choi, Man-Sik]
  • Title : Professor
  • Major : Marine geochemistry
  • Phone : +82 42-821-6435
  • E-mail : mschoi@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : Building W3, Room Number 530
[Choi, Keun-Hyung]
  • Title : Professor
  • Major : microbiological oceanography / marine invasive species ecology
  • Phone : +82-42-821-6432
  • E-mail : keunhchoi@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : Building W3, Room Number 510
[Hong, Seongjin]
  • Title : Associate Professor
  • Major : Marine Organic Chemistry
  • Phone : +82-42-821-6432
  • E-mail : hongseongjin@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : Building W3, Room Number 432
[Bahk, Jang-Jun]
  • Title : Professor
  • Major : Marine geology / Sedimentology
  • Phone : +82-42-821-6432
  • E-mail : jjbahk@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : Building W11-1, Room Number 424
[Young Jae Ro]
  • Title : Professor
  • Major : Physical Oceanography
  • Phone : +82 42-821-6437
  • E-mail : royoungj@cnu.ac.kr
  • Room : Bldg 11-1
Sport Sciences

The department was established in 1988, the year of Seoul Olympic Games, to meet the increasing demands of public sports, fitness, recreation, and leisure activities. With the recent strong trend on 'wellness', qualified leaders and coaches are in need in the field of sports, fitness, leisure, and so on. Furthermore, the demand on highly educated specialists in community recreation and sports has been gradually increasing. To satisfy these social requests and expectations of highly qualified sports leaders, we offer advanced subjects such as exercise physiology, sport medicine, exercise psychology, sport sociology, sport management and marketing. Moreover, specialized sports activities such as swimming, tennis, golf, bowling, taekwondo, body-building, dance sports, recreation, etc. are systematically educated and trained from the perspectives of 'human service'. Experts of public health and welfare are highly demanded in the 21st century. Thus, professionals including clinical exercise specialist, leisure designer, fitness trainer, health promotion manager, recreation therapist, exercise rehabilitation therapist, motor development leader for children, exercise trainer for elderly, sports club leader, sports marketer, sports facility manager, etc. will play an important role in the advanced society. Our department aims at educating professionals and contributing to a productive society and better quality of life for all mankinds.

Career Opportunities

Graduates are working as Exercise Specialists, Athletic Trainers, Personal Trainers, Sports Consultants, Sports Managers and Leaders of Sports for All. Some of them enter graduate school for further study.

[Wang-lok Lee]
  • Title : professor
  • Major : Sport Medicine
  • Phone : 82-42-821-6458
  • E-mail : leewl@cnu.ac.kr
  • room : Natural Science Building, 1313
[Sang-ki Lee]
  • Title : professor
  • Major : Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology
  • Phone : 82-42-821-6456
  • E-mail : nicelsk@cnu.ac.kr
  • room : Natural Science Building, 1324
[Moon-hyun Jung]
  • Title : professor
  • Major : sport management
  • Phone : 82-42-821-6457
  • E-mail : jmhyun520@cnu.ac.kr
  • room : Natural Science Building, 1307
[Dae-hyun Yun]
  • Title : professor
  • Major : sport psychology
  • Phone : 82-42-821-6455
  • E-mail : dhyun-cnu@hanmail.net
  • room : Natural Science Building,1312
[Young-jin Moon]
  • Title : professor
  • Major : Biomechanics
  • Phone : 82-42-821-6454
  • E-mail : moony@hanmail.net
  • room : Natural Science Building,1311
[Nam, Sangwoo]
  • Title : professor
  • Major : Sociology of Sport
  • Phone : 82-42-821-6453
  • E-mail : sangwoo@cnu.ac.kr
  • room : Natural Science Building,1316

The Department of Dance aims to create the beauty of dance arts to enhance physical, spiritual, and intellectual development, and to cultivate specialized individuals in dance.It emphasizes both theoretical knowledge and practical skills by establishing the academic programs that the dance world newly requires and, further, attempts to contribute to society in terms of the pursuit of creative beauty inherent in human nature. Students can specialize in Korean dance, ballet, modern dance, and dancing theory. Choosing subjects according to their aptitude and character, students harmoniously combine theory and practice.

Career Opportunities

With mental and physical capacities in theory and practice, students develop all-around characters and prepare themselves for future roles as dance artists, teachers, critics, and so on.

[Eun-hae Jung]
  • Title : professor
  • Major : Korean dance, Traditional dance, Dance theory
  • Phone : +82-42-821-6482
  • E-mail : eunhaechum@hanmail.net
  • room : Natural Science Building(W5), 1113
[Sung-ok Choi]
  • Title : professor
  • Major : Modern dance, Choreography, Modern dance history
  • Phone : +82-42-821-6483
  • E-mail : sochoi2871@hanmail.net
  • room : Natural Science Building(W5), 1111
[Hyun-jung Kim]
  • Title : professor
  • Major : Cultural Studies, Sociology of Dance
  • Phone : +82-42-821-6485
  • E-mail : arthjucr@cnu.ac.kr
  • room : Natural Science Building(W5), 1110
[Soo-young Cho]
  • Title : professor
  • Major : Ballet, Dance psychology
  • Phone : +82-42-821-6484
  • E-mail : ballet0229@cnu.ac.kr
  • room : Natural Science Building(W5), 1115

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