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Global Scholarship Program(CNU-GSP)

  • Writer천은미
  • Date2009-07-27
  • Hit1757
  • File

1.        What’s CNU-GSP?

The main purpose of Chungnam National University Global Scholarship Program (CNU-GSP) is to offer a valuable opportunity for students from overseas to have a better understanding Korean Language and social customs through academic lectures and field trips. In other words, CNU-GSP is the special program which offers students from CNU partner universities the first-hand experiences in Korean culture and language. This program should be an ideal one for those who would like to broaden their perspective in Korean culture and life style.


2.        Eligibility

A.       Undergraduate & graduate students from CNU partner universities

B.       Students form non-English speaking countries may need to have an ability to understand lectures taught in English. Korean language proficiency is not required, but a willingness to learn the language is desirable.

C.      Students must be recommended by his/her home universities.


3.        Application Deadline: October 9, 2009

* October 9th 2009 is the priority Deadline, The office of international Affairs may accept late applications.


4.       The number of students accepted to the program

Approximately 50 students from 156 CNU partner universities around the world.

- In order to maintain the program as diverse as we can, we will accept a few students from each university. Please consult with a staff of the international office of your university for eligibility.


5.       Program Period : February 17 ? June 17, 2010 (4 months)

- Spring Semester at Chungnam National University: March 2 ? July 16, 2010


6.       Course Outline  

Throughout the program several courses will be available in English from the disciplines of social sciences and humanities, e.g. history and culture of Korea. These courses will enable students to have a finer understanding of the country of Korea in particular and the region of East-Asia in general. Three credits are given for most of the classes. A CNU-GSP class for 3 credits meets 3 lecture hours for 15 weeks. If necessary, field trip will be included in lecture hours. Course list will be available in late September 2009 at cnuint.ac.kr/eng. We also encourage regular CNU students who have proper English Language competency to participate into CNU-GSP classes so as to make them an international environment where students can share in cultural diversity.


For those who are interested in learning the Korean Language, Korean class will be available for program participants. Students can opt to either Intensive Korean Classes or Evening Korean classes.


Based on students’ language ability, we may allow student to take regular academic courses in Korean from CNU faculties. Students may select a regular course(s) based on their major and academic interests.


 Independent study

Upon approval from the Office of International Affairs, CNU, students may undertake a research project in a topic of Korean studies for academic credit. At the end of the program students on an independent study are asked to submit a 20 page research paper on their topic. Students wishing to undertake a project must develop and submit a written research proposal.


7.       Student Status and Transfer Credits

CNU-GSP students will be considered as international exchange students. Accordingly, students should be able to take academic classes for earning credits and grades. At the completion of the program, the Office of International Affairs, CNU will issue academics records and certificate for successful completion of the program upon the student’s request. The credits earned at CNU are transferrable under the regulations of the student’s home university.


8.       Benefits

A.        Exemption from tuition and other associate fees

B.        Free on-campus accommodations (Double room & 2 meals a day)

C.        Partial Soupport of Air fare

D.        Monthly stipend  for 4 months

E.        Free Korean Language Class (Optional)

F.        Attending academic classes (min. 3 credits to max. 15 credits)





9.    Housing (On-campus)

A.         Room type : double room with shared bathroom  

B.        Meal : 2 meals(breakfast & dinner) a day on weekdays and 3 meals on weekend are offered 

C.        Furnished with bed, desk, chair, closet and refrigerator in each room


10.    Health Insurance  

Since the program does not cover the health insurance for students, it is extremely important to have your own health insurance coverage during your stay in Korea. Students may arrange for their own health insurance for their stay in Korea before or after arriving in Korea.


11.    How to apply

Please complete the application form and submit all necessary materials listed in the application check-list (Attached file) by regular post. Application must be submitted by the international office of your university.


Contact: CHUN, Eun Mi (Ms.)

Phone: +82-42-821-5128 E-mail: cem1114@cnu.ac.kr



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