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19th & 20th TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) Test

  • Writeradministrator
  • Date2010-07-08
  • Hit635
  • File

1. Testing Date & Hours
 - 19th : Sunday, Sept. 12  09:00-17:30
 - 20th : Sunday, Nov. 7  09:00 - 17:30

2. Venue in Daejeon : Language Education Center, CNU

3. Registration
 - 19th : 2010. June 30 (09:00) - July 14 (18:00)
 - 20th : 2010. Aug. 23 (09:00) - Sept. 1 (18:00)
 - Internet registration : http://www.topik.or.kr
 - One photo taken within the last 3 months required

4. Test fee : 40,000 KW (by credit card, bank transfer)

5. Notification of test result
 - 19th : Nov. 3 .  10:00 
 - 20th : Nov. 23.  10:00
 - Method : by web site

6. Contact : Division of National Tests Administration
  Tel) 02- 3704-3905, 3908
  Website : http://www.topik.or.kr