[Fall Semester,2014]Graduate Programs Admissions Guide for International Students
- Writer입학과
- Date2014-03-04
- Hit829
- File
Graduate Programs Admissions Guide for International Students
1. Period of On-line Application
- March 17. 2014. (Mon.) 10:00 a.m. ~ May 1. (Thu.) Until 18:00 p.m.
2. Qualifications for admission
- A foreigner whose parents are also foreigners.
- A foreigner or a Korean national who received the equivalent of 12 years of Korean
primary and secondary education in a foreign country.
- North Korean Defectors
(* Please check the attached file for each guideline due to eligibility of an applicant.)
Other Questions should be directed to the person in charge of the Undergraduate or
Graduate Program at the CNU Admission Office.
Phone : +82-42-821-8001