[2017, Spring] Announcement of Successful Applicants-Graduate
- Writer남미애
- Date2016-11-30
- Hit3057
- File
2017학년도 전기 대학원 외국인전형 합격자 발표
Announcement of Successful Applicants(Spring, 2017)-Graduate
합격자 조회 시 수험번호 및 생년월일을 입력해주세요.
1. Please enter your Application no and password without blank to check the results.
2. The password has been automatically registered as eight digits of your birthdate.
For instance, enter "19850317" if your birthdate is Mar. 17, 1985.
Admission Result(Grduate) -> Click
Please check the attached file for successful applicants.
CNU Admission Office ☎ 82-42-821-8055