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[Graduate] Admissions Guide for International Students, Spring 2019, Graduate (2nd)


1. Period of On-line Application 온라인접수 기간

- 대학원(Graduate) :  December 7 (Fri), 2018 10:00 a.m. ~ December 10 (Mon), 2018  Until 18:00 p.m. (local time in Korea)


 Online Application ->Click

2. Qualifications for admission 입학자격요건

- A foreigner whose parents are also foreigners.

외국인의 부모 또한 외국인인 자

- Overseas Korean residents or forign students who have completed their entire elementary, junior, high school and undergraduate education outside of Korea.

외국인이거나, 초중고 과정에 준하는 과정을 외국에서 이수한 자

- North Korean Defectors



(* Please check the attached file for each guideline due to eligibility of an applicant.)

모집요강은 파일로 첨부되어 있습니다.


Other Questions should be directed to the person in charge of the Graduate Program

at the CNU Admission Office.

다른 질문이 있으실 때 입학과로 문의주시기 바랍니다.


Submission of Documents period is very short.

Please refer to the guide and apply only if you are able to submit all submission documents within a period of time.

서류제출기간이 매우 짧습니다.

모집요강을 충분히 읽고 제출서류들을 기간 내 모두 제출하실 수 있는지 신중히 판단하여 지원하시기 바랍니다.


Phone : +82-42-821-8055

Email : grad@cnu.ac.kr


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