[Undergraduate] Admissions Guide for International Students(Fall 2022)
- Writer김세진
- Date2022-04-01 07:09:06
- Hit1310
- File
[Undergraduate] Admissions Guide for International Students(Fall 2022)
1. Period of On-line Application (온라인 원서접수)
☞April 18th(Mon.), 10:00a.m. ~ May 27th(Fri.), 2022. 18:00p.m.(KST)
2. Submission of Required Documents (지원서류 제출)
☞April 18th(Mon.), 10:00a.m. ~ May 27th(Fri.), 2022. 18:00p.m.(KST)
3. Evaluation of Applicant's Academic proficiency (학과별 전공수학능력평가)
☞ June. 16.(Thu.), 2022. 14:00~ (KST)
4. Announcement of Successful Applicants (합격자 발표)
☞July 5.(Tue.), 2022. 15:00~ (KST)
*Please refer to the attached admissions Guide for more information.
If you have any other inquiries, please contact the Office of International Affairs.
Tel.☎: +82-42-821-8825
E-mail: okcnu@cnu.ac.kr